DC Crime Bill Overturned
The democratic held senate approved a GOP-led resolution that will overrule Washington DCs city council rewrite of the criminal code. Democrats were surprised when Biden declared he would sign the measure, preventing the council approved changes from taking effect. The measure first passed in the house 119-189 and then cleared the senate 81-14, with many democrats including senate majority leader Chuck Shumer voting with Republicans to approve it. The bill passed the DC Council unanimously but was vetoed by Mayor Muriel Bowser; however, her veto was overruled. DC’s crime bill hasn't changed since 1901 and it introduced many new progressive criminal justice reforms.
Vote revealed divisions within democratic ranks over how to approach crime and public safety. Many believe the bill is too soft on crime when rates of homicide and car thefts are rising in the city. The rewrite served to extend temporary law enforcement transparency and accountability measures including a ban on the use of chokeholds, requiring officers to use de-escalation tactics before use of force and providing the public access to body camera records. The reform also reduced the maximum penalties for crimes and tried to expand the right to jury trials for certain criminal misdemeanor offenses which critics say would overload a taxed DC court system and result in prosecutors dropping more cases. Biden said he did not support some of the changes including lowering penalties for carjacking. Those who supported the rewrite and opposed the GOP bill did so in respect for DCs sovereignty. Since DC laws disproportionately affect people of color, voting against the rewrite was like saying DC residents majority of who are black and brown are unworthy of governing themselves. Nevertheless, the fate of the DC bill will now head back to the DC council where officials will rework the bill to appease both Biden and Congress.