Religion & Crime

The relationship between religion and crime is widely disputed and still unclear despite centuries of research and discovery. Religion is seen as a “social force” where greater levels of religious commitment should lead to reduced negative behaviors. Research also indicates that religious involvement creates social networks and emotional support that also constraints criminal behavior. A study found that church attendance curbs petty crimes and there was a greater connection to religion among victimless offenses. Therefore more than forty years of empirical scholarship suggests that religion suppresses criminal behavior. However, these findings do not reveal the mechanisms of religion responsible for suppressing criminal behavior.

So what can this obfuscated relationship tell us? The mere incomprehensibility of religion and crime’s relationship suggests that religious beliefs might not impact one's propensity to commit a crime. However, it is possible that ideals and of religions can be used socially and politically to deter citizens from crime. Either way, more research and experiment is necessary.


Strain Theory


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